Friday, February 13, 2009

U-Blog 3

Take a look at this chart:

You have probably already seen it.

I found it interesting to look over the chart. Mostly, I found myself saying "yes" to Visual column of the chart. However, looking at my responses that didn't fall under the Visual cateory, I thought it was worth trying to anaylze and reason.

When I am talking, I can't say that I find myself using more than average gestures and movements. I am a pretty patient person, and I don't mind listening to people. I don't exactly fit in one particular cateogory. If I am trying to really focus on some work, I tend to prefer not having a lot of distractions. Otherwise, I enjoy having some background music on. If I have a task to accomplish, more than likely I'll stick to it. Unless something urgent comes up.

After working in the nonprofit world for the past year, I have come to realise that while over the phone meetings and discussions are fine, I tend to prefer face to face meetings instead. You can better judge how receptive (or unreceptive) someone is to your ideas/thoughts, and your reasoning accordingly.

Lastly, whenever I need help with a computer, I will query Google, and see what comes up before anything else. Written how-tos, diagrams, or YouTube videos are all OK with me, so long as it fixes whatever issue the computer has. If that fails, I'll call outsourced technical support. When all else fails, I'll do my best to refrain from "growling at the computer". I wonder if auditory learners actually do that?


  1. On my first look at the chart, I was also saying "yes" to pretty much all the visual questions. I always thought I was more of tactile learner, because I always remember how objects work or how they are put back together if I get to touch and work with them. So I went through the chart again and more of my answers for the tactile side turned to yes. I find it funny that even after reading the questions three times, I did not say yes to more than two of the auditory questions.

  2. Nice post Nick. I am a visual learner as well, and found myself saying "Yes" to all of the visual questions. I totally agree with these two points you made:

    -Preference of face to face meetings rather than phone or other forms. I also believe that having a face to face conversation allows you to better judge the person you are working with. It is more convenient to notice how they accept your ideas and what type of listener they are as well.

    -Using Google for help with computer applications. What better way to find help for computer applications than on the computer? With the convenience of YouTube we have now, almost all computer troubles/questions can be solved on the computer.
